Sentinel HL
What is Sentinel HL ?
Sentinel HL is the Most Popular Software Lock currently available on the market. It has dozens of features and benefits.

Sentinel HL LDK Models

Hardware based protection. Just defined.
Sentinel LDK has a unique cross lock technology. It is the only software licensing solution on the market that offers hardware (USB stick) and software based protection as well as secure software licensing in one solution. Sentinel LDK has a variety of hardware and software security keys that suppliers can use to select the most suitable method based on business needs.
Sentinel HL Driverless
This Model is No Driver Required model. You can make your dongle in Driver Mode Driverless via Sentinel LDK ToolBox software. Think carefully while doing this, unfortunately there is no turning back.
Definitions of Features, Products, Memory, and License Models
These features are licensable functional components in your software application. A function can range from a specific function such as printing or exporting via a module to an entire application. As soon as you define at least one function, you can add it to a product. This allows you to sell products with one or more licensed
Storage is a functional component that can be added to a product. You can define the segments in memory according to your needs and choose a different color for those segments to make them easier to identify. After you define a memory segment, you can enter data into that segment.
You can create the following types of storage at EMS Sentinel:
A product is a collection of one or more licensed functions. Each product can be sold independently and is often associated with a part number. Products may differ from one another both in the features they contain and in the terms of the license specified for each function. Each batch code can contain a series of common functions.
Create general products with related function packs. For maximum flexibility, you can allow one, more, or all of the features to be disabled. In this way, the order taker can activate or deactivate the function during the order. You can also control access to features using different licensing models.
The licensing model is the logic behind the licensing business. With the rental license model, you can, for example, bill for a certain period of time for the use of the software. The licensing model represents the various parameters (attributes) that determine how the product can be used by end users.
Sentinel HL Emulator Features
- Driver Based Emulator
- Sofware Based Emulator
- Hardware Clone ( Physical USB )
- LPT or COM to USB Backup or Driver Based Emulation
- Compatible with All Windows x86 and x64 Bit.
- Possible Remove Time Limit and Active missing features.
- Is Your Dongle Lost? We do our best ...

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